EcoCwave - Versatile Aqueous Parts Cleaning

EcoCwave - The versatile solution for aqueous parts cleaning

EcoCwave is a powerful spray flood cleaning system with a vacuum-sealed work chamber. It can be configured for two or three independent cleaning steps, offering flexibility and improved process quality. Upright cylindrical flood tanks optimize fluid management. With two work chamber sizes, it minimizes per-unit product costs and offers customizable options.


  • Versatile for wet chemical part cleaning and surface treatment with two-/three-tank configuration.
  • Innovative technology, compact at 5.5 m² (two-tank system).
  • Reduces per-unit product costs up to 30% with optimized batch make-up.
  • Optimized fluid management with upright cylindrical flood tanks and full-flow filtration.
  • Ensures 100% drying through hot-air and vacuum drying.
  • Offers a wide range of options, including basic, fine cleaning, monitoring, fluid treatment, and automation.
  • User-friendly operation with an advanced HMI operator panel for real-time monitoring and diagnostics.


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Documents and brochures

EcoCwave ES
1.46 MB

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