EcoCtrans - Modular Transfer Cleaning System for Efficient, Eco-Friendly Cleaning

EcoCtrans - Quick Cleaning with Efficiency

 EcoCtrans is an innovative transfer cleaning system featuring a modular design. It achieves top-notch cleaning results and short cycle times by integrating continuous cleaning, injection flood washing, and spray treatment. A vacuum dryer ensures completely dry workpieces, while the Automatic Backflush Filter System (FAS) effectively eliminates and disposes of residual solids.


Csm Eco C Trans D6ef6b3ed3
Csm Eco C Trans Slider 1 4cd4a4890d
Csm Eco C Trans Slider 2  E39c7aaf52
Csm Eco C Trans Titelbild A4dddbbf28

Benefits and Fields of Application


  • The modular design ("window") allows for swift and straightforward system adjustments based on workpiece and/or process requirements.
  • Achieves excellent cleaning and drying results, especially on cubic parts with intricate geometries (e.g., cylinder heads, cylinder blocks, crankcases, transmission housings).
  • High throughput for optimal performance in high-volume manufacturing applications with rapid cycles.
  • Utilizes eco-friendly process technology, such as aqueous cleaning agents, resulting in low wastewater and air emissions.
  • User-friendly operation and maintenance facilitated by its design and door size.

Fields of Application:

  • Cylinder heads and crankcases
  • Shift valve housings
  • Transmission and clutch housings
  • Complex-shaped parts (e.g., ABS moldings) processed on product carriers ("trays")

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