EcoCflex 3 - Versatility, Quality, and Efficiency in Cleaning Systems

EcoCflex 3 is a highly flexible cleaning system with advanced processes, a CNC control system, and reduced energy consumption


The EcoCflex 3 represents the latest generation of flexible cleaning systems

Benefits from over a decade's worth of experience and the construction of more than 450 robotic cells.

This innovative system combines proven cleaning processes like injection flood washing, spray cleaning, and high-pressure applications with the flexibility of the SCARA-Manipulator.

It's all controlled by a CNC system, resulting in reduced energy consumption and a smaller footprint.

Equipment and process

  • The newly developed SCARA-Manipulator is purpose-built for cleaning equipment.
  • 1 Siemens CNC (840D) system controls both the machine and manipulator.
  • No additional loading robot is needed.
  • High-strength aluminum and stainless steel are consistently used for the equipment and SCARA-Manipulator.
  • Users have the flexibility to choose cleaning chemicals with a pH value between 6 - 10.
  • A one-touch service package is available for both the plant and manipulator.

Equipment features

  • Choice between a 6-axis articulated robot or the SCARA-Manipulator
  • Available in self-contained or externally supplied 1 or 2 bath technology
  • Injection flood washing using the low-pressure slit flood nozzle
  • Hybrid nozzle for the removal of clamp chips and/or deburring underwater
  • High-pressure turret with up to 6 tools for rapid tool changes
  • Optional energy monitoring system for real-time consumption monitoring


  • Functional and transparent system design with excellent maintenance access
  • Independence from robot suppliers due to the new SCARA-Manipulator
  • Advanced process technology for achieving the highest cleaning quality
  • Industry benchmark in energy costs and footprint
  • Simplified operation with Siemens CNC control
  • Modular locking concept for cycle times starting from 30 seconds
  • One-touch service and optimized maintenance for both machine and manipulator
  • Noise level below 72 dB (A)


Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 1 55e7c8be46
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 2 4ad18c7470
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 3 E8c6261187
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 4 B88f7f261e
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 5 5825167858
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 6 2640579c7f
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 7 8ff9edcc36
Csm Eco C Flex 3 Slider 8 A1cafc1da6

Documents and brochures

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