EcoCedge: Powerful Aqueous Parts Cleaning for Industrial Efficiency

EcoCedge – A Powerful Beginning in Aqueous Parts Cleaning

EcoCedge is a robust spray flood cleaning system with a vacuum-sealed working chamber, suitable for a wide range of industrial parts cleaning applications. Depending on the installed features, it can handle tasks ranging from removing oil and emulsion from mass-produced parts to finely cleaning assembly components. All cleaning stages involve immersion in aqueous media.

Efficiently removing significant quantities of swarf from mass-produced parts and achieving precise fine cleaning can be accomplished by selecting the appropriate filtration system and other optional features like ultrasonic cleaning, tailored to specific applications. The basic version already extends bath life through cross-contamination reduction.

With its versatile applications, minimal space requirements, reduced per-unit costs, and consistent process quality, EcoCedge contributes to successful production


Equipment and Processes

  • Cleaning and drying within a vacuum-sealed working chamber with a visible window
  • Front-fed working chamber
  • Automatic locking of the working chamber door
  • Rotational and oscillating movements to enhance cleaning and drying
  • Full-flow filtration integrated into the system
  • Integrated oil separator
  • Siemens S7 PLC control system for custom process sequencing
  • Closed system housing with integrated floor tray

Optional Packages and Additional Features

  • Roof for the machine with interior aspiration
  • Vacuum drying capability
  • Third flood tank for additional rinsing
  • Cartridge filter for precision cleaning
  • Waste water-free operation thanks to the integrated Aquaclean treatment unit
  • Dosing pumps for flood tanks 1 to 3
  • 3kW ultrasonic unit
  • Magnetic insert for flood tank 1
  • Automatic conveyor
  • Automatic placement of basket lids
  • Remote Service capability


  • Powerful results and cost efficiency: Proven system technology ensures reliable outcomes and reduced per-unit costs
  • Universal application options: Choose between 2- or 3-stage cleaning processes with various selectable washing methods and individual batch configurations
  • Optimized fluid management: Cross-contamination reduction, cascading, and integrated oil separation
  • Highly efficient drying: Combined hot air and vacuum drying
  • Compact system design: Small footprint, approximately 5.8 sqm (for 2-tank system)
  • Comprehensive equipment and options: Includes ultrasonic cleaning, Aquaclean system for bath preparation, cartridge filter, and precision cleaning alternatives.


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Csm Eco Cedge Slider 6 313e93f863

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