EcoCduty: High-Capacity, Cost-Efficient Cleaning System for Industrial Applications

A Cost-Efficient Large-Chamber Cleaning Solution

To efficiently degrease and clean parts, there's a need for machines that can handle high capacities reliably, economically, and with energy savings, particularly in industries like hardening, metalforming, automotive, and aviation.

The innovative EcoCduty large-chamber cleaning system uses hydrocarbons or polar solvents (modified alcohols) and can accommodate loads measuring 1,250 x 840 x 970 mm and weighing up to 1 tonne. Thanks to its modular design, this large-chamber full-vacuum cleaning unit can be tailored to specific user requirements.

In its standard configuration, EcoCduty functions as a steam degreaser but can also be equipped with one or two flood tanks (e.g., for processes involving steam degreasing, injection flood washing, or preservation steps). This system effectively removes chlorinated metalworking fluids and is suitable for cleaning sulfur-containing oil.


Adaptability to Suit Specific Needs

  • Versatile full-vacuum cleaning with hydrocarbons or modified alcohols
  • Modular design: steam degreaser, vacuum dryer, one or two flood tanks
  • Customizable loading solutions for individual requirements
  • Exceptional cost efficiency
  • High capacity and performance: handles up to 1-ton loads with quick cycles (up to 6 loads/hour)
  • Long service life: efficient filter unit removes contaminants from solvent
  • Accelerated cleaning: frequency-controlled pumps minimize downtime
  • Energy-efficient flood tank heating through heat recovery
  • Low investment, operating costs, and short lead times

Reliable Cleaning Quality

  • Enhanced degreasing: innovative steam pre-degreasing minimizes oil buildup
  • Full-flow filtration ensures compliance with high cleanliness standards
  • Horizontally arranged cylindrical flood tanks prevent dirt pockets more effectively than rectangular tanks

Safe Operation

  • Environmentally friendly, nearly emission-free technology
  • User-friendly: 7" color display with intuitive pictographs
  • Easy maintenance: large hatches provide quick access to components.


Csm Eco C Duty 2f51ab3bbf
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 1 64ab85e3e5
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 2 122b9944eb
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 3 282ea75a41
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 4 83a6ef918d
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 5 7bb1284f11
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 6 F7d5a231d7
Csm Eco C Duty Slider 7 7f8f499ead

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