EcoCdry - Efficient Vacuum Dryer for Quick Workpiece Drying


The EcoCdry is a highly efficient vacuum dryer designed for the quick and reliable drying of scooping components. It uses a pulse-like suction method to remove residual moisture, reducing cycle times and energy consumption significantly. This plug-and-play unit can be easily integrated into existing cleaning systems, making it a valuable addition to your production process.


  • Specialized vacuum dryer for efficient drying of scooping components
  • Pulse-like liquid suction and simultaneous evacuation
  • Optional removal of an upstream blowing unit in EcoCflex 3
  • Minimal workpiece cooling before vacuum drying
  • Vacuum generation during non-productive times in the storage tank
  • Substantially shortened cycle time with pre-stressed storage tank

Equipment features:

  • Loading via roller conveyor, gantry, or robot possible
  • Various vacuum pumps optionally selectable
  • Storage vessel mounted directly to the process chamber or up to 10 meters away
  • Compact Plug & Play unit for easy retrofit to existing cleaning systems


  • Rapid processing times ranging from 1.5 to 3 seconds
  • Reduced cleaning requirements due to self-cleaning of the process chamber
  • Enhanced process reliability and availability via straightforward system configuration
  • Approximately 65% greater energy efficiency compared to conventional vacuum drying combined with compressed air blowing
  • Eliminates pressure fluctuations in the customer's compressed air system
  • Easily retrofitted at any time for added convenience


Csm Eco C Dry Frontal 1000x1000px Ee21491f4b
Csm Eco C Dry Slider 1 735338cea5
Csm Eco C Dry Slider 2 689b982cee
Csm Eco C Dry Slider 3 73ac06704d

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