A Compact Solution for Superior Cleaning Efficiency
The EcoCcompact is a single-chamber cleaning system designed for industrial parts cleaning and preservation. It uses non-halogenated hydrocarbons and modified alcohols in a full vacuum environment, ensuring high cleaning quality in short cycles while offering maximum flexibility for various cleaning tasks.
Its modular design, available in 1 to 3 tank versions, allows easy customization to meet individual customer needs. The system is suitable for a wide range of applications, from rapid degreasing to demanding cleaning operations that adhere to strict cleanliness standards.
With two work chamber size options, the system enables users to create specific batches, effectively reducing per-unit product costs. Ecoclean provides a wide range of individually selectable options for your EcoCcompact machine to meet your unique requirements
Non-halogenated hydrocarbons serve as highly effective cleaning agents, enabling safe and cost-effective solvent use for removing oils, greases, emulsions, and swarf during or after manufacturing processes.
The advanced technology of EcoCcompact benefits both small factories with limited production capacities and large factories with decentralized cleaning stations.
- Versatile application possibilities: Suitable for various cleaning stages, from initial to final cleaning and preservation.
- Forward-looking technology: Compatible with non-halogenated hydrocarbons and modified alcohols, adapting to changing production conditions.
- Lower per-unit production costs: Achieved through volumetrically optimized batch preparation at high throughput rates.
- Improved parts cleanliness: Enhanced fluid management and frequency-controlled flooding process.
- User-friendly operation: Real-time monitoring via HMI operator panel, fault diagnostics, and service intervals notification, supporting Industry 4.0.
- Ease of maintenance: Compact, smart construction provides accessibility with a small footprint.
- Tailored to customer needs: Offers a wide range of configuration options in the basic version.
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