EcoCbase C2: Efficient Industrial Solvent System for Cleaning Solutions

Your Gateway to Industrial Cleaning Excellence

EcoCbase C2 is meticulously crafted to facilitate seamless entry into the realm of industrial cleaning. Its exceptional cost-to-performance ratio positions it as an enticing solution, particularly in times of limited investment resources. This streamlined system adheres to rigorous standardization, harnessing proven, user-friendly technology while demanding minimal space. EcoCbase C2 harnesses non-halogenated hydrocarbons, highly efficient and cost-effective cleaning agents, ideal for eliminating oils, greases, emulsions, and swarf. This versatile machine can be deployed both during and after the manufacturing process, catering to small-scale factories with modest production capacities or expansive facilities with decentralized cleaning stations. Outfitted with a flood tank, vacuum drying, circulation, and bypass filtration, the base EcoCbase C2 model is already equipped to address a spectrum of cleaning challenges, ranging from workpiece degreasing to the removal of sub-100 µm dirt particles

Additional Enhancements Additionally

 Ecoclean offers readily deployable enhancements for improved cleaning efficiency, solvent management, and machine functionality. These include options for vacuum distillation, vapor degreasing, an extra flood tank, ultrasonic technology, and a combination filter for bag or cartridge filtration


Csm Eco C Base C2 Slider 2 1e74dcb09f
Csm Eco C Base C2 Slider 3 D871aa74b7
Csm Eco C Base C2 Slider 4 14d9eb8893
Csm Eco C Base C2 Slider 5 91db925894
Csm Eco C Base C2 Titelbild 371954acc7

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