EcoCBelt offers a versatile solution for cleaning processes, customizable to specific needs


EcoCbelt – A Belt Washer Designed for Multi-Stage Cleaning Processes

The EcoCbelt is customizable to meet the unique cleaning needs of your application using standardized modules, allowing for individualized adjustments


  • Belt-Style Spray Washer for Cleaning Processes with Up to Three Stages
  • Available in Sizes: M & L
  • Fluid Supply Options: Central (WD) or Stand-Alone (WD – WRD – WRRD)
  • Layout Choices: Right-Hand or Left-Hand Design
  • Maintenance Access: From One Side for Back-to-Wall or Side-by-Side Installation


  • Modular design includes one to three cleaning modules and one drying module.
  • Features fixtures for mounting components like fans, filters, pumps, and oil separators on the modules.
  • Compatible with various conveyor systems, including V-locator conveyor, eyelink belt conveyor, and pallet conveyor.


  • Cost-effective solution for consistent high-quality cleaning.
  • Adaptable cleaning process suitable for a wide range of components.


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Csm Eco C Belt Slider 1 524ce553b8
Csm Eco C Belt Slider 2 0c46265854
Csm Eco C Belt Titelbild 2b65871d1d

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