EAGLE G50 Competition

Our successful portal design is the basis for maximum dynamics and demanding requirements with the groundbreaking EAGLE PowerSPARK technology. With the EAGLE G50 Competition, it is now possible to achieve the finest, even matt glossy surfaces with graphite that were previously unimaginable.

Continuous development

Our successful portal design is the basis for maximum dynamics and demanding requirements with the groundbreaking EAGLE PowerSPARK technology. With the EAGLE G50 Competition, it is now possible to achieve the finest, even matt glossy surfaces with graphite that were previously unimaginable.

Setup EAGLE G50 Competition

In combination with the lowerable tank, the ergonomical working height, the integrated C-axis and the electrode changer, the EAGLE G50 Competition offers you functional, excellent quality and a high level of operating comfort.

  • Active temperature control for high thermal stability
  • New control technology EAGLE PowerSPARK
  • Best ratio between machine size and travel movement

Standard configuration

Technical data

Axis-travel (x/y/z) 525 / 400 / 450 mm
Work tank (x/y/z) 770 / 670 / 440 mm
Load capacity work table 1.000 kg
Dielectric fluid level max.
375 mm
Work table surface (LxW) 750 x 650 mm
Head load 100 kg


X/Y/Z = 525 / 400 / 450 mm

C = 360°

max. 1.000 kg


In addition to numerous precision features, our EAGLE G-Line machines can be perfectly equipped to your specific application with optional extensions.

Precision feature
  • ADC – Active Dielectric Cooling
  • PGC – Position- & Geometric Compensation
  • TC – Temperature Compensation
  • IPR – Increase Precision & Repeatability

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