CAMWorks 2023

CAD/CAM Advanced, feature recognition processing, 5-axis milling, turning, turn-mill, and predefined technology database

HCL CAMWorks offers advanced programming solutions and fast machining processes through its integrated CAD/CAM system, feature-centric machining programming, automatic detection of machining elements, knowledge-based machining, and TechDB for user utilization and reuse. HCL CAMWorks 2023 introduces enhanced functionalities, thus boosting the software's capability and ease of use. Here are some of the notable improvements in CAMWorks 2023 to optimize your machining methods. In direct response to user feedback, HCL CAMWorks 2023 introduces enhanced features, further amplifying the software's power and user-friendliness. Here are some of the noteworthy enhancements in CAMWorks 2023


Wire EDM Premium

  • Machining features recognized through color-coded alignment with cutting conditions
  • Automated identification of open contours via color markers
  • Utilize decals indicating start points, adhesive halts, and machine pauses

Euler Angles Technique for 5-Axis Rotary (3+2) Milling

  • Enables angular positioning via Euler angles.
  • Attains preferred alignment by adjusting two rotary axes.
  • Features ZXZ and ZYZ rotational patterns.
  • Option for manual input over system-determined Euler angles

Additional Probing Features for Probe Tool

  • Extended probing cycles added.
  • Angle measurement capabilities in X and Y axes.
  • 4th Axis measurement in both X and Y axes

Tool Selection Criteria Incorporating Flute Length & Feature Depth

  • Enhanced tool choice logic considering flute length.
  • For tool cribs with multiple tools of matching diameters, flute length influences the tool assignment

Machining Cavity Features with VoluMill

  • High-efficiency toolpath for advanced 3-axis milling material removal.
  • The "Machine Cavities-VoluMill" setting is designated for area clearance when using the VoluMill pattern.
  • Focuses solely on machining water-tight cavity areas

Support for Various Shank Types in Tools

  • Define shank types (straight, neck, or tapered) for tool's non-cutting sections.
  • Applicable to all CAMWorks milling tools including flat end mill, ball nose, hog nose, barrel, face mill, drill, ream, tapered, thread mill, and probe tools.
  • Shank definition now also includes bore, corner round, countersink, dovetail, keyway, and lollipop tools

2.5 Axis Milling Island Height Definition Option

  • Set depth/height for Island features in both Z+ and Z- directions.
  • Prevents possible gouging.
  • Allows height adjustments exceeding the original stock height

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