Automation Solutions by GROB

Pallet Systems

PSS-R450 R900 R1800

Our rotary pallet storage system transforms your manufacturing process. Rapid pallet changes facilitated by the double loading fork ensure optimal efficiency. For utmost precision, we provide high-precision setup station variants, perfect for milling and turning applications, with the added option of integrated clamping hydraulics in the setup station.

PSS L450 L900 L1450 L1800 L2700

The linear pallet storage system, an in-house innovation by GROB, expands our product lineup with an automated, adaptable production line for multi-variant workpiece machining. It's compatible with individual machines or linking identical ones. Depending on customer needs, it accommodates two or three pallet storage levels.

Pallet Changing System

Enhance the efficiency of your GROB machine by enabling workpiece setup during machining. A rotating pallet changer facilitates pallet exchange between the setup station and the machine's work area, securely clamping pallets on the rotary table and the setup station.

PSS R100 R300

GROB's rotary pallet storage system transforms the G-module into a flexible production cell, enabling the manufacturing of not only small and medium batch sizes but also individual orders, economically and individually. This makes the PSS-R100 and PSS-R300 the ideal entry-level solution for automated and highly efficient production.

PSS T300

The pallet tower storage system from GROB extends the G-module into a flexible production cell. It is suitable for a single machine as well as for the combination of up to two machines. The PSS-T300 enables the handling of round and square pallets in different sizes, and the number of storage locations can be freely selected depending on customer requirements.

Technical Data for PSS-R

Technical data for PSS-T

Technical Data for PSS-L

Robotic Systems



GRC-R150 GRC-R240

Systems for production with transport and automation components

Grob Mobile Robot

Flexible Production System (FPS)

Integrated production line solution

GROB4Automation – Optimal control software for your automation endeavors


  • Rapid order generation for manufacturing, from single items to large batches.
  • Clear visualization of automation processes.
  • Intuitive drag-and-drop operation.
  • Unified interfaces.
  • Automated processing of production orders for extended periods.
  • Quick updates to adapt to changing production priorities.

Do You Need Help?

We are here to provide you with all the information and assistance you need regarding our products. Please fill out the contact form below, and we will promptly answer your questions or provide you with the support you need to make the right decisions.

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