ITEMS | UNIT | PC500HSC | PC700HSC | |
NC Unit | - | AKIRA Mi845 | ||
SPINDLE | Max. Motor Power (Peak) | HP | 10 | |
Max. Spindle Speed | RPM | 15,000 | ||
Spindle Taper | - | BT30 | ||
Method of Spindle Cooling | - | Air Cooling | ||
TRAVEL | X Travel | mm | 500 | 700 |
Y Travel | mm | 400 | 400 | |
Z Travel | mm | 330 | 330 | |
Distance from Spindle Nose to Table | mm | 180 -480 | ||
TABLE | Table size | mm | 650 x 400 | 850 x 400 |
Max. Loading | kgs | 250 | 300 | |
FEED RATE | Rapid Traverse Rate (X / Y / Z) | M / min | 40 / 40 / 40 | |
Acceleration (X / Y / Z) | G | 1.2 / 1.2 / 1.2 | ||
ATC | Tool Change System | - | Servo 21T (STD) | |
Max. Tool Diameter | mm | 50 | ||
Max. Tool Length | mm | 200 | ||
Max. Tool Weight | kgs | 3 | ||
Tool To Tool Time (60 Hz) | sec. | T-T:1.6 | ||
GENERAL | Coolant Tank Capacity | liter / gal | 200 | |
Power Requirement | kVA | 15 | ||
Air Pressure Requirement | Kgf / cm2 | 5 | ||
Floor Space (W x L) | kgs | 1,560 x 2,530 | 2,100 x 2,530 | |
Weight | kgs | 2,400 | 2,550 |
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